
Kate Middleton wears a fascinatorPhil: From Chapter 2 of our book – She knew there was something missing though. All her friends were loved up – she had more wedding fascinators languishing in her bottom drawer than Accessorise.

From Wikipedia- A fascinator is a headpiece, a style of millinery The word originally referred to a fine, lacy head covering akin to a shawl and made from wool or lace.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how I was able to watch the coverage of last weeks royal wedding and not say “What’s a fascinator ?” to the general derision of the fashion cognoscenti present. Indeed I can show my modern man credentials by making a stab at telling the difference between a collection of feather’n’stuff nailed to someones head, and a hat which is being worn at a crazy angle. Obviously I don’t want to appear too camp so I get it wrong from time to time. Deliberately obviously…

Up to the point I received this bit of text from Candice, obviously I had no more idea what one of these was, or why anyone would have a drawer full of them,  than I would expect my co-author to identify the component parts from the front suspension of a Volkswagen. Or understand why I have a garage full of them. Now, I am a true renascence man as I can do both. A regular Leonardo de Vinci.

Which goes to show that writing, especially with someone else, can be educational as well as fun. In many ways we’ve treated this like the sort of project you find yourself involved with at work. Each brings our own strengths to the job and sometimes we disagree over the direction the plot is taking. Weirdly, since the beginning and ends of the book were planned out pretty early in the process, it’s more a “discussion” over the route to betaken between the two points and the interesting places to visit along the way. So it’s like arguing in a car then. And you don’t get satnav for writing fiction.

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